Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A new creation

I'm overtired. Now unfortunately, when I am overtired, I have this habit of communicating with anyone possible to try and keep myself awake and amused. So, I send a few emails, a few texts, and frankly, not getting much reply.I think to myself, "Grrrrr, what's going on? Why doesn't anyone want to talk to me? How can I stay awake and happy when I'm bored and going to fall asleep and no one is entertaining me?" I was whining.

Turns out, someone did want to talk to me. Not just someone. The Holy Spirit had something to say, and when I realized that there wasn't anyone on earth that was going to help me keep occupied and happy today, I turned back to Him, which is where I should have been all along."Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Cor 5:17 (NKJV)

God lead me to that verse, and He started speaking to me about it. I'm sure we've all heard the comparison between turning to the Lord and a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. It's a good analogy, but I didn't realize part of it until today.How often do you see a butterfly carrying around it's cocoon? You don't. It's been transformed, not partially, but fully, completely, and in doing so has left its old life behind. We become new creatures when we accept Christ into our life as Lord and Savior - yet how many of us still hold onto the baggage, the junk, the remnants of our old life.

As I'm pondering all this, another verse is given to me."My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth" Ps 121:2

Hmmmmm. Okay, so if I'm a new creation in Christ, and all things in me have become new, why am I keeping my old habit of turning to people to keep myself amused, when in all things, my help comes from the Lord?

Father, I love You and worship You. I give you the glory, Lord, as You alone are worthy of all praise. Father, forgive me for turning to the ways of man, instead of to You, in my time of need. Teach me, Lord, and guide me, focus my eyes on You and You alone. Never let me forget that I am a new creation in You, and that I have truly become new. Imprint the truth on my heart that my help comes from You and You alone. I thank You, Lord for all that You have done in me and for all that You are continuing to do. I thank You, Father, and I ask this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen.

God is so faithful, and I thank Him and bless His Holy Name for opening my eyes. I've been focusing on Him and not only am I not feeling bored anymore, I'm also feeling less tired.God is good. All the time.