Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter miracles

This weekend, we celebrated a miracle, the most amazing miracle the has ever seen. While most of us get wrapped up in a fictional rabbit and eating as much formed chocolate as we can, it can be easy to forget the true significance of the weekend. I'm guilty too - one of my Easter traditions is taking marshmallow Peeps, putting them in the microwave, and watching them grow. We forget that approximately 2000 years ago, someone died for us. Someone who knew our name, who knew every wrong thing we would do, who knew how unfaithful we would be to Him, yet He died for us anyhow. He loves us that much.

That alone is pretty phenomenal, isn't it? It makes me think. Humbles me. Fills me with a barrage of emotions that I can't really put into words. It's amazing.

And yet, that isn't the end of the story. He is Risen.

I'm sure some people who end up reading this will roll their eyes, yeah, yeah, we know the story. (Ummmm, if anyone reads it, lol.) How often, however, do we really think about the significance of Easter in our lives today? Do we think about it at all? Do we remember and acknowledge with our lives, our thoughts, out actions, the God we serve? Or do we grab some ham and mini eggs, and shrug off the weekend as a dim memory of a hisotry long past?

Personally, I am beyond grateful for what Jesus did for me. I am awed by the extreme sacrifice, and the Almighty power shown in His resurrection. To some, Easter may seem like it's about endings, but it seems a lot more about beginnings to me.

I was given the opportunity over the past few weeks to speak with someone who had basically lost his faith. Now, I am neither the wisest nor the most experienced person with this sort of thing - quite the opposite, I felt totally lost most of the time. I prayed and asked God to direct my words, but I wasn't feeling good about what was going on. Last week, things really came to a head. I was honestly scared both for him and by him. I wouldn't leave him alone, though. I stayed and let him talk, although I felt beyond unequipped for the situation. I listened and prayed. It didn't seem to be going anywhere.

On Sunday, things changed.. All of a sudden, he acknowledged that he needed to get right with God again. That he was hurting and scared. And that he couldn't do this alone.


We serve a miracle working God.

I don't know what exactly triggered this person to come around, but I don't think the timing was a coincidence, On the anniversary of the day that our Lord and Savior rose from the grave, someone's hope and faith rose with Him. I don't know what will happen with this person, but I'm still praying, and trusting the Spirit to do what needs to be done. After all, without the Spirit, he couldn't have been brought back to begin with.

When I think of all this, pigging out on chocolate and exploding Peeps kind of loses its appeal. What can I say. Oh! I know.

He has Risen, Indeed!

"...And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age" Matthew 28:20 (NIV)

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