Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Making a decision isn't always an easy task, making the correct choice can be even more difficult.

I was in a real jam about what to do this upcoming Friday night. There is an insurance industry event which, while far from mandatory, would be good for me to attend. There will be refreshments, including a fair amount of free flowing alcohol. Friday nights are my night to go to at least one prayer meeting however, and we have a teen retreat planned for Saturday, so prayer is really needed.

I was torn. I could go out and have fun, I mean, it's not like I'd have more than one drink. (Or would I?)
It's not like I'd be tempted to go wild again. (Or would I?)
It's not like I haven't been doing enough for God lately. (Ummmm, excuse me? I haven't been doing near enough, thank you. Hmmmmm, I think the enemy wants me to go out and have fun instead of going to pray. Funny that.)

In my head and in my heart, I knew that I should be going to pray, but I started making plans to go to the industry event anyhow. I wasn't feeling good about it, however.

Tonight after Bible study, a few people are talking about some of evangelism stuff that's been going on. I basically said,"hey, you guys never let me know what's going on with that stuff!" With the upcoming church plant, I need to get my feet wet somewhere. We'll be doing door to door evangelism, tent meetings, plus other activities. This is all very new to me, but I need to start somewhere. I had missed the information about the last event, so Glen says to me "Okay, Friday night, we'll be at New West Station, we're there every Friday, arriving around 5pm."

I started saying that I don't think I can come, but then I felt some stirring inside. I felt as if the Holy Spirit was saying something like "You've said it's all about Me, you've said that I am more important to you than the world. Okay Barb, prove it!"

Saying that I felt horrible inside at that point would be an understatement.

On the way home, I turned to Victor and said "If there's a competition between God and the insurance industry for my priorities, the insurance industry simply cannot win."

I'd rather spend my Friday night giving Him the glory than anything else. Period.

When we try and make decisions on our own, boy do we mess them up, eh? Thankfully God stepped in. I am looking forward to seeing what He does that night.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Cor 10:31 (NIV)

I just totally stumbled upon that verse, by the way. It fits, doesn't it?

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